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Transport Research Institute


The Division of Certification, Testing and Interoperability is focusing on activities related to the conformity assessment, assessment of construction products parameters, testing, inspection activities and activities in education and training. The primary purpose of this activity is to ensure that the technical requirements for products in the regulated area laid down by EU and Slovak legislation are respected when placing the product on the market and during the manufacture of the product.


Division subsections:

Product certification body

It focuses its activity on conformity assessment, construction products parameters assessment, testing, inspection, and education and training activities. More...

test laboratory of coating substances and road signs

The test laboratory carries out testing of paints, traffic signs, etc. More...

testING laboratory for  strength measurement OF MACHINES PARTS

The testing laboratory performs strength static and fatigue tests, etc. More...



Division of Certification, Testing and Interoperability

Ing. Pavol KAJÁNEK, PhD.
Head of Division of Certification, Testing and Interoperability

CONTACT: 00421/41/5686 333


Division of Certification, Testing and Interoperability

Ing. Michal KAIS
Head of CAB

CONTACT: 00421/41/5686 133


Transport Research Institute is a member of the consortium.The main objective of the project FUTURA is to provide last development steps for market launch of Divided Rail Freight Brake Disc (DRFB disc).


    • 3M Slovensko s. r. o., Bratislava
    • BRB výroba s. r. o., Žilina
    • Doprastav, a.s., Bratislava
    • ELV PRODUKT a.s., Senec
    • EUROSKILT AS, Vingrom, Nórsko
    • FORSTER Verkehrs –und Werbetechnik GmbH, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Rakúsko
    • Geveko Markings Denmark A/S, Rudkøbing, Dánsko
    • GRAMES s.r.o., Bratislava
    • GZD Sp. Z o.o. sp.k,  Jonkowo k/Olsztyna, Poľsko
    • HAKOM, s.r.o., Martin
    • HATRICK, s.r.o., Valaská – Piesok
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