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Transport Research Institute


Conformity assessment of the Interoperability of the Design and the Construction of the railway infrastructure in railway section Kostenets - Septemvri

Conformity assessment of the Interoperability of the Design and the Construction of the railway infrastructure in railway section Kostenets - Septemvri More...

Performance of EC procedure on verification of structural subsystems Infrastructure and Energy in the railway section Elin Pelin – Kostenets and subsystem CCS in railway section Sofia - Septemvri

Performance of EC procedure on verification of structural subsystems Infrastructure and Energy in the railway section Elin Pelin – Kostenets and subsystem CCS in railway section Sofia - Septemvri More...

TRANS TRITIA - Improving coordination and planning of freight transport on TRANS TRITIA Project territory

Transport Research Institute partner of the project TRANS TRITIA / INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE More...

CaBilAvi - Capacity building for aviation stakeholders, inside and outside the EU

The Transport Research Institute is the Slovak partner of project under the Horizon2020 framework to.. More...

EGUTS Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems

Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems More...

Project FUTURA

The main objective of the proposed is to improve the quality and safety of life of over 55 million EU citizens who live or work near train tracks More...