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Transport Research Institute


TRANS TRITIA - Improving coordination and planning of freight transport on TRANS TRITIA Project territory

Programme priority:   4. Cooperating on transport to better connect CENTRAL EUROPE

Programme priority specific objective:   4.2 To improve coordination among freight transport stakeholders for increasing mulitmodal environmentally-friendly freight solutions

Project acronym:   TRANS TRITIA

Project title:   Improving coordination and planning of freight transport on TRANS TRITIA Project territory

Project index number: CE960

TRITIA is a ‘European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation’ in which three regions of Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic cooperate. Important roads and corridors cross its territory and with the TRANS TRITIA project the EGTC and other partners want to make transport networks, multi-modal logistic centres, and environmentally-friendly freight transport in their border territory more effective. To this end, the project will improve information, planning and coordination among regional authorities, administrators and freight transport stakeholders. Multi-aspect screening analyses and forecast analyses of multimodal transport systems and logistic centres in area will be carried out. In addition, forecasts and recommendations will be drafted. Specific focus will be on the analysis and forecast of the intermodal water corridor ODRA as an important transport way that connects the TRITIA area to the TEN-T network. A new method for setting up economic and environmentally- friendly freight transport in the TRITIA border areas will be developed. This digital interactive platform will provide various scenarios for freight transport in the area with forecast to up to year 2030. 

Project duration:
Start Date: 01.09.2017  / End Date 31.08.2020

Project budget in EUR: 1.348.090
ERDF funding in EUR:    1.145.876,50

Project partners:


  • Sdružení pro rozvoj Moravskoslezského kraje z.s.
  • Dopravní projektování spol. s r.o


  • Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju sp. z o.o. - Lead Partner


  • Výskumný ústav dopravný, a.s.
  • University of Zilina

More information:;

2017-11-23, Cieszyn
Officially, the project started

2018-01-26, Prerov
Last week we had the opportunity to present the assumptions and approach of Trans Tritia project to a group of stakeholders involved in works on connecting Danube Odra and Laba rivers in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. We emphasized that inclusion of inland water freight transport is a great opportunity for the whole region, however - besides money - it requires commitment on all levels: local, regional and central - in all countries. The participants of the meeting will follow the progress of our Project and consult its deliverables and outputs.
The Project was represented by the Lead Partner - GAPR and Project Parnter - MSUnion.

2018-04-17, Szczyrk
The Coordination Meeting no.1 was held in 17.04.2018, at  Szczyrk, Poland.

The following subjects were discussed:

(1) regarding WPT. 1 -  determining the schedule for further execution, data acquisition, problems solved so far,

(2) regarding WPT.2 - determining the schedule for further execution, data acquisition, problems solved so far,

(3)  regarding WPT.3 - determining the schedule for further execution, data acquisition, problems solved so far.

Also the  financial and communication issues were discussed. As the financial issue is concern PPs were asked to prepare their proposal to budget to be change if it will be necessary. As the communication is concern, the Communication Plan was approved by the PPs.

2018-04-20, Ostrava
Workshop „TRITIA Inland Waterway – Present and Future“

2018-08-09, Zilina
The Coordination Meeting no.2

2018-10-22, Cieszyn, Poland
The Coordination Meeting no.3 was held in 22.10.2018, at Cieszyn, Poland.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss current situation within the project implementation, a level of meeting goals/outputs, execution of tasks, budget modifications and savings, communication and plan for the current period, all Partners' representatives participated.
The Meeting was preceded by a project strategic workshop, during which representatives from participating countries together with experts from Silesian University of Technology focused on SWOT analysis, trying to find common problems and solutions

2019-01-30, Gliwice
Steering committee meeting No. 2 - Business and education center "NEW GLIWICE"

Strategic workshop: Definition of objectives of Tritia territory in terms of freight trasport

2019-03-25, OSTRAVA
Partners Meeting - WPT 2 - Multimodal Transport Across TRITIA area, Ostrava, 25.03.2019
Partners meeting took place in the headquarter of Project Partner 3. During the discussion, representatives discussed the current tasks, and the expected dates of its finalization, as well as next actions to be taken during the project. Results of that meeting will be available soon, among these are stakeholders workshops and project reports.

2019-04-01, Prague
Inland Waterways for the 21st century, Prague (Czech Republic)
The conference was organized by the Directorate of Waterways of the Czech Republic with the participation of European experts for inland waterways.

2019-05-15, Gliwice
Workshop - "Strategic projects supporting development of multimodal freight transport on TRITIA area"
Recently in "New Gliwice" Trans Tritia was responsible for the organisation of workshop dedicated to strategic projects supporting development of multimodal freight transport on TRITIA area.

2019-05-16, Ostrava
WORKSHOP „Rail at TRITIA area – Present and Future“

The workshop (OT2.2.3) was organized to exchange information on the current state of rail freight transport in the TRITIA area and analyze the possibilities and measures to be taken to moving a part of transport from the roads to the rail.
Workshop took place on General Consulate of Poland in Ostrava with the participation of Izabella Wołłejko-Chwastowicz, General Consul.
During the workshop were  discussed following topics:
- Capacity of railways for freight transport
- Cross-border delaying and proposals to improvement
- Possibility and conditions of transfer from road to railway
- Proposals of legislative change for railway freight transport to reach of goals of the EU-white Paper (transport policy)
On the workshop participated except project partners the representatives of railway operators e.g. AWT.,  ČD Cargo,a.s., Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko,  and others interested entities (City of Ostrava, University of Pardubice, Silesian University of Technology).

2019-06-06, Žilina
Coordination meeting No.4



After 3 years of successful implementation, the project TRANS TRITIA - Improving coordination and planning of freight transport on TRANS TRITIA Project territory is reaching to the end of its duration. We are pleased to invite you to join us during the project conference held in Brussels within the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 from October 05 - 22 2020.
Being content with all the project achievements and the outputs, we would like to share with you the project results, good practices and how we all can benefit from cross-border cooperation in the field of freight transport.

The TRANS TRITIA Project in association with European Committee of the Regions and European Commission the consortium consisting of Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain is organising the workshop titled “A stronger Europe: cross-border projects” at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 from October 05 – 22, 2020.

INVITATION - A stronger Europe: cross-border projects – Transnational Cooperation for more sustainable Central Europe

How to register to the workshop “A stronger Europe: cross-border projects”



Registration form: